Collaborative platform enhances extended arrival manager


In congested airspace, extended arrival manager (E-AMAN), sometimes referred to as cross-border AMAN (XMAN), allows for earlier sequencing of arrival traffic by extending the planning horizon from the airspace close to the airport to further upstream. Controllers in the upstream sectors, who may be in a different control centre, obtain system advisories enabling them to give early instructions to pilots to adjust their speed before beginning their descent towards the destination airport. This alleviates congestion at the airport, reducing the need for stacking and holding, saving fuel, CO2 emissions, and reducing noise.

However, the cumulative effect of multiple extended arrival manager requests coming from different terminal areas could lead to an increase in workload and complexity for the upstream air traffic controller and a need to prioritise requests. The SESAR collaborative decision-making (CDM) portal manages overlapping arrival manager horizons, providing a shared situational awareness of the E-AMAN service availability status to everyone involved: air navigation service providers, airports, airspace users and the Network Manager. 

About the Solution 

In 2024 alone, and in line with regulatory requirements, 24 airports in Europe will deploy E-AMAN. With this growth we can expect an increase in workload in area control centres, with a knock-on impact on capacity. The CDM portal, directly addresses the workload and capacity impacts of extended arrival manager by providing information on the current arrival situation and increasing the understanding of what is going on in the airport network. 

The CDM portal provides information on the demand for, and availability of, the extended arrival manager service between terminal areas, airports, and area control centres. It provides a multilateral communication mechanism for information sharing and decision making, enabling extended arrival strategies to be applied. These strategies are defined and prepared per flow and airspace sector, coordinated through a collaborate decision making process between all involved air traffic service units, and activated per flow and per period, as required. The Solution therefore contributes to the realisation of extended arrival benefits, with fuel savings evaluated at up to 30kg per flight (which corresponds to 90 kg of CO2 emissions).

Overall, the Solution improves resource allocation. It also reduces vectoring, holding and fuel consumption.


   • Increased efficiency and resource allocation
   • Maintained safety levels
   • Reduced fuel consumption and emissions
   • Reduced delays
   • Reduced coordination between air traffic controllers


Appendix-E-xStream-Methodology_v2 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-F-EXE-VLD-06-001 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0)   
Appendix-G-EXE-VLD-06-002 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0)  
Appendix-H-EXE-VLD-06-003 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-I-EXE-VLD-07-001 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-J-EXE-VLD-07-002 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-K-EXE-VLD-07-003 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-L-EXE-VLD-08-001 (For SJU Delivery) (1_0) 
Appendix-D-xStream-Self-Assessment (For SJU Delivery) 
Solution_25.01_D2-1-DEMOR-Main_Doc (For SJU Delivery) 

# PJ.25-01 /Release 10

Key area

Advanced air traffic services


Enhanced safety
Improved predictability
Optimised capacity
Reduced fuel consumption and emissions


Maturity level: V3/TRL6
Datapack: Yes