In 2011, aviation authorities from seven European countries supported SESAR through their involvement in reviews of protocols, draft regulations and concepts such as the Remote and Virtual Control Towers OSED (Operational Service and Environment Definition), the OPTIMI safety case of the Noise draft directive. Still in 2011, the cooperation will be continued on topics such as SWIM legal framework as well as the Regulatory and Standardisation Roadmaps. Several authorities also participated in different Release 1 validation exercises such as DMAN or Remote towers.
The authorities concerned are AESA (Spanish National Supervisory Authority [NSA]), Avia (Civil Aviation Authority [CAA] Ukraine), UK CAA, DGAC (French CAA), IVW (NSA from the Netherlands), French Air Force and the German Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services. The inputs given by the authorities to the different projects as a result of this participation constitute a very valuable contribution to the success of SESAR. During 2012, the cooperation between the SESAR JU and these authorities will continue on several topics connected to Release 2.