Call for Tenders
Discover our procurement opportunities
Ongoing Calls
Communication services call for tenders
SESAR JU will be cooperating with Clean Aviation on a new tender procedure for a broad scope of communication services covering years 2026-2030. The tender will be managed by Clean Aviation.
Any interested economic operator willing to be part of the market research analysis ran by the Leading Contract Authority is invited to respond to the below EU surveys within the deadline: 18/12/2024 by 23:59 (Brussels local time).
- EU SURVEY LOT 1 Strategic, Editorial, Media and Press
- EU SURVEY LOT 2 Digital Communications
- EU SURVEY LOT 4 Web-services
Provision of event organisation services (ref. S3JU/2024/OP/0004)
The services to be covered under the framework contract aim at supporting the JUs with the preparation, organisation and execution of events (both in-person and virtual). Events may include conferences, workshops, seminars, site visits, press briefings, demonstrations, exhibitions and virtual events such as webinars and live studio events.
Further information (including the latest versions of all tenders documents)
Notice of Corrigendum (new submission deadline)
New deadline for the submission of tenders: 20/01/2025 4PM CET
SESAR Young scientist award 2024 (ref. S3JU/LC/019-CNT)
Q&A (20 August 2024)
Deadline for the submission of tenders: 21/08/24
SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking inter-institutional open call for tenders: Legal and operational support to data protection activities (ref. S3JU/2024/OP/0002)
- Lot 1: Operational support to data protection activities
- Lot 2: Specialised legal services on data protection
Contract notice: 48/2024 - 140312-2024
Procurement documents are published in the Funding &Tenders Portal at the following link:
Deadline for the submission of tenders: 18/04/2024 23:30:59 (UTC+2)
Call for expression of interest for associated members of the SESAR 3 JU (ref. S3JU/018-CEI)
Call for expression of interest
Deadline for the submission: 19 January 2024, 12.00 Brussels time
Inter-Joint Undertaking call for tenders: External Support to the Back Office Arrangement for the Joint Undertakings for Statutory Audit Services (Lot 1) and Accounting Services and Other Assurance Engagements (Lot 2) - Reference: EU-Rail.OP.02.22
Contract notice: 2023/S 115-360494
Deadline for the submission of tenders: 28/08/2023 15:00
In order to help tenderer, find hereafter three templates to be used when preparing your tender
Procurement rules
The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) is a Community Body which has been established under Article 187 of the Treaty. As such, the SJU possesses its own legal personality but is distinct from Community institutions such as the Council, Parliament, Commission, etc.
Therefore, the SJU is subject to the provisions of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, the SJU Financial Regulation and the relevant directives relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public contracts.
The SJU calls for tenders which are subject to the Public Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC for supply of goods, services and works are advertised here on the SJU website, once mandatory publication has taken place in the Official Journal of the European Union (
Rules governing SJU grant and procurement procedures
The Financial Rules of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU) are published for information purposes only. The current Financial Rules have been adopted by SESAR 3 JU’s Governing Board on December 14, 2021 (please refer to the Decision of the Governing Board GB(D) 01-2021 below).
SESAR 3 JU Governing Board Decision on Financial Rules
Legal obligations
As part of our legal obligations, we publish hereafter procurement-related information:
Contracts awarded: Access the list of contracts awarded by SESAR JU
Privacy Statement: Within the framework of the procurement procedures launched by the SJU and the management of the resulting contracts, the following privacy rules will apply:
- Privacy notice - Registration, Selection and Management of External Experts H2020
- Privacy notice - Procurement, selection of experts and contractual execution outside the scope of Horizon 2020-Europe
- Privacy notice on Prizes
Ex-ante publications
Low value contracts
- Conditions for low-value contracts EN - FR
- Administrative comments regarding the invoice in connection with a purchase order