Integrated arrival and departure management
Release: 2014
Reference: -
Location: London Gatwick
About this exercise:
This exercise, taking place in London Gatwick, will aim to validate the benefits of combining AMAN, DMAN and Advanced Surface Movement Guidance Control System (A-SMGCS) and Time Based Separation (TBS). In real-time simulation, air traffic controllers will assess the performance of a TBS tool in selecting the arrivals and departures pattern with the fewest delays. Controllers will follow the same procedures as today, i.e. follow Target Start-up Approval Time (TSAT) for establishing pre-departures sequences and follow a target time for metering fix for metering traffic into the TMA. Additionally the TBS tool will be validated for its use in mixed mode operations.
Expected outcomes:
- Lower fuel burn and improved ATCO efficiency due to the calculation of an integrated arrival and departure sequence
- Increased predictability and stability of actual times and target times for taxi-out.