Extended Flight Plan
Release: 2015
Reference: -
Location: Toulouse
This solution sees the integration of 4D Flight Plan (FPL) data into the Network Manager Flight Planning acceptance and distribution system. The extended flight plan includes new information on the 4D trajectory (as calculated by the FOC flight planning system), which contains additional elements for each point of the trajectory such as speed and aircraft mass, as well as flight specific performance data, including predicted climb and descent profiles for a specific flight.
Description of the exercises
Shadow mode exercises in Brussels and Toulouse with real flights will validate the operational feasibility of the use of the Extended Flight Plan (EFPL) in the flight plan acceptance and distribution processes of the Network Manager. Specifically, the exercises will look at the use of the EFPL in processes related to Demand Capacity Balancing (DCB) and assess the required accuracy for trajectory information in EFPL. Associated performance gains will also be assessed.
Expected benefits
- Enhanced safety
- Improved predictability