• 11 April 2018
  • Malta Airport, Malta
  • Map

Supporting air traffic controllers in complex airport environments through automation

Encouraging new ideas and fresh thinking is critical for innovation in aviation in order to respond to the growing demand for air travel and to the increasing number of air vehicles, such as drones, taking to the skies. That is why the SESAR Joint Undertaking supports exploratory research and has created an innovation pipeline in the research programme that transforms innovative ideas into solutions to increase the performance of air traffic management (ATM).

TaCo (Take Control) is a SESAR Exploratory Research project dealing with ground traffic management in complex airports. The TaCo consortium, led by Deep Blue and including Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) and Malta Air Traffic Services (MATS), invites you to participate to the project’s final workshop in Malta next April.

We will present the project results and demonstrate through an interactive prototype how to support ATCOs in managing complex airport environments. The TaCo prototype makes use of highly automated functions for guiding the controllers towards an optimized management of the movements: for example, it supports them in maximizing the usage of the runway, or minimizing the global fuel consumption. Moreover, it allows to define the behaviour of specific parts of the airport through innovative user-programming techniques.

The project members will guide you through the most representative use cases of the International Airport of Malta and you will have the chance to contribute to an innovative concept by giving your feedback to the consortium.

TaCo’s event precedes the workshop organised in Malta Airport on 12th April by ACI Europe and the SESAR Joint Undertaking.

Participation is free of charge.

Registration and agenda will be coming soon! For now, mark your diary !

<More info on the workshop>