• 14 May 2019
    10:00 > 17:00
  • Eurocontrol HQ
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Map

Interactive review of completion

The SESAR 2020 Project 16.03 Virtual Centre is one of the technical backbones of the future European Airspace Architecture; it has been described largely in the recent European Commission initiatives and the expectations of the capacity of delegating airspace within the ECAC area to allow absorbing the traffic peaks has been recognised as a valid solution at Parliament Level.

The Technical development phase organised in the first wave of the SESAR Industrial Research (2017-2019) has allowed identi-fying the potential of such a development. The second wave of the research (2020-2022) will allow including the operational aspects and will also allow preparing for a very large scale demonstration to prove the concept on both operational and tech-nical levels within the ECAC airspace.

In preparation of the next phase, we would like to also listen to your perspectives and hear you as users on your expectations on this technology. In an interactive session, we would like to present solutions that are enabled by the concept, share our understanding with you and validate their future application in your entities. We would also like to understand the timelines where such a technology should be available, be it on a desired level or on a realistic timeframe.

Join the Project 16.03 team on a one-day workshop that will base on the developments of the Wave 1 of the SESAR 2020 work, linking them with the initial outcomes from the “study on a proposal for the future architecture of the European Air-space” and, most importantly, to your own views, expectations and plans on virtualisation.

Enrole now, only 60 seats are available for the venue, and be part of the validation of the future European CWP/HMI services.

Further information and registration