• 12 of September, 2019
    09:00 > 15:00
  • Braunschweig , Germany
  • Map

“GRADE - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration - team is glad to invite you to the Flight Trial open day, which will take part in Braunschweig on September 12th, from 9am to 3pm.

For participating to the event it is necessary to send an email to thomas.lueken@dlr.de by September 5th, including name, company, and citizenship.

GRADE project wants to show how SESAR can meet the needs of the General Aviation & Rotorcraft Community and will facilitate their integration into airspace and airports where the SESAR concepts and technologies are implemented. Specifically, GRADE project aims to demonstrate through in flight live trials the applicability of SESAR Solutions #51, #55 and #103 to General Aviation and of SESAR Solution #113 to Rotorcraft (see https://www.sesarju.eu/newsroom/brochures-publications/sesar-solutions-catalogue for more details on SESAR Solutions). The flight trials have been complemented by preparatory Real-Time Simulation campaigns in last year, with hardware and humans in the loop, in order to identify the most relevant scenario conditions to be tested in flight, to assess possible safety risks during the in-flight trials, as well as to achieve preliminary assessment of measurable performance indices in realistic environments.

The open day in Braunschweig will show the execution of Flight Trials performed by both DLR’s research helicopter ACT/FHS and the Cessna from Technical University of Braunschweig concerning SESAR Solution #113. Specifically the concept of Simultaneous Non-Interfering (SNI) and the introduction of low level IFR route network with Point-In-Space procedures enabled by SBAS guidance will be demonstrated.

Please note that the flights are carried out under VFR conditions. If these conditions are not met, DLR and TU Braunschweig will use existing flight test data and present them at this event.

The GRADE team, coordinated by CIRA, is composed of BULATSA, DLR, MATS, NAIS, TUBS, UNIPARTH, and supported by ISSNOVA as linked third party. The GRADE project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 783170.