• 22 October 2019
    10:00 > 16:00
  • Hegyhát út 16
    Budapest, Hungary
  • Map

Drone services are about to transform our lives in so many ways. As part of SESAR’s U-space roll-out plan, U-Space Initial Services (USIS) will support the management of drone operations with a set of different core services such as e-Identification, e-Registration, Surveillance, Tracking (including Situation monitoring), Scheduling (Flight permissions, FPL validation, flight notifications) and Dynamic Airspace Management (no-drone zone management).

The progressive spread of drones and related services requires the continuous development, validation and implementation of U-Space services to provide safe, equal and efficient access to airspaces all across Europe.

In this frame, USIS aims at validating the initial core services that will be provided by the UAV Traffic Management (“UTM”) to UAVs, UAV operators/pilots, authorities in charge of the airspace. The objective was to demonstrate how users can access the airspace more easily and conduct their operations efficiently in a safe and secured airspace, thus conciliating the concerns of the authorities with the push of the market to conduct more and more UAV operations. 

The open day will include presentations, plenary session and a live demonstration, followed by a panel discussion with project participants where you will have a chance to ask questions about the validation.

Download the agenda

For further information, please contact Ádám Szőllősi, USIS Project Manager at [email protected]