For nearly 2 years, the ENVISION consortium has worked on the development and evaluation of a cost-effective airport surface surveillance solution based on video cameras, ADS-B and LIDAR with the primary objective to enable A-SMGCS and light A-CDM implementation in secondary airports.
A final event will be held at Carcassonne Airport (LFMK), in France, to present the project results and showcase the ENVISION concept during live operations involving Commercial and General Aviation flights.
09:30 - Welcome @ Carcassonne airport
10:00 - Presentation of the ENVISION concept and main project outcomes
10:30 - Live demo and possibility to visit the ATC Tower
12:00 - Lunch (buffet)
13:00 - Technical presentations
13:30 - Live demo and possibility to visit the ATC Tower
14:30 - Wrap-up and conclusion
15:00 - Optionally, visit of the medieval citadel of Carcassonne
Note that a lift can be organized from ALTYS Technolgies premises located in Toulouse - 7 avenue Parmentier - at 08:00 (1h15 drive).
Register by sending an email to [email protected] confirming your attendance; whether you need a lift from / back to Toulouse (please indicate your return flight time), and whether you would like to visit the citadel of Carcassonne after the meeting sessions.
The number of available seats being limited, a first come first served policy will be applied. Deadline for registration is 3 October 2019.