• 7 - 10 December 2020
  • Virtual Event
  • Map

The 10th SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) took place on 7-10 December 2020 as a virtual conference, gathering over a thousand participants for 4 days of keynotes, technical paper sessions and a virtual poster exhibition showcasing some of the breakthrough concepts from the SESAR Joint Undertaking’s exploratory research portfolio, as well as novel research from the broader ATM research community.



10 years of inspiring scientific excellence in air traffic management

Since 2010, the SESAR Innovation Days has been bringing together the brightest minds in ATM/aviation research, creating a community of practice that continues to grow!

Watch the anniversary video


The role of innovation in the time of COVID

The concepts presented at the SESAR Innovation Days reflect Europe’s vision to make its airspace the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world, and will contribute to the long-term sustainability of the aviation industry and its recovery from the COVID crisis. This was the message delivered by keynote speakers throughout the conference.

Read the press release

Watch keynotes from : Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4


Zoom in on the papers

The conference featured more than 30 papers, covering machine and deep learning techniques to optimise aviation’s network performance, data-driven traffic prediction, climate-optimised trajectories, behavioural economics, drone traffic management altitude zoning, and intermodality modelling, among other research topics.

Replay technical sessions

Access all papers


The exhibition may be virtual, but the research is real!

The conference also showcased the research of the community through a dedicated exhibition, featured over 30 posters. Topics included behavioural economics and performance, multimodality, safety and resilience, and artificial intelligence, among others.

Check out som of the Poster teasers


To the next frontier of flight

For its 10th edition, the SIDs joined forces with two other major aviation events: the ICAO Global Symposium on the Implementation of Innovation in Aviation and ATCA’s Annual Conference to host a joint panel on higher airspace operations – a new frontier for aviation.

Watch the panel again


And the SESAR Young Scientist Award goes to…

Europe’s most promising young minds in air traffic management (ATM) research were celebrated at the SESAR Young Scientist Award ceremony, which took place during the closing plenary of the SESAR Innovation Days virtual conference on 10 December.
Read about the winner

Check the YSA hall of fame


At the hub of SESAR innovation

Engage, the SESAR JU’s network for knowledge transfer, presented its activities including the launch of its wiki – A repository and interactive research map for exploratory and industrial research in ATM.

Watch the Engage presentation (Day 1 and Day 4)
Go to the Engage Wiki


See you in 2021 in Budapest

Join us next year in Budapest for the 11th SESAR Innovation Days, from 6 to 9 December!
