• 30 June 2020
    15:00 > 16:00
  • Broadcast from SESAR JU, Brussels, Belgium
  • Map

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As air travel tentatively resumes, many in the business are calling for an acceleration in the digital transformation of aviation, especially its air traffic management (ATM) system, as a matter of urgency. Indeed the move to digitalised infrastructure is seen as critical for making aviation more scalable, economically sustainable, environmentally efficient, predictable and resilient in the long run.

Against this backdrop, the SESAR Joint Undertaking is organising a series of webinars to present the portfolio of SESAR innovations that will make this digital transformation possible.

The series kicked off with a webinar on the recently-adopted European air traffic management (ATM) Master Plan, which sets the vision and direction for developing, delivering and deploying the technologies and standards needed to make the European airspace the most efficient, safe and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world.


This webinar highlighted the major changes in the latest edition of the Master Plan and how it will:

  • Ensure that European ATM infrastructure is fit for the digital age, making air transport smarter, more sustainable, connected and accessible to all.
  • Accommodate the next generation of aircraft, which will be cleaner, quieter and more autonomous, as well as drones and other new air vehicles.
  • Strengthen the competitiveness of EU air transport, drone and ATM services markets to ensure economic growth.

Read more information on the latest edition of the Master Plan

Watch the Webinar replay

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Read the Questions and Answers