This Implementation Plan constitutes the “Implementation view” or Level 3 of the European ATM Master Plan (MP).
The Implementation Plan brings together and provides the framework for the commonly agreed actions to be taken
by ECAC stakeholders, in the context of the implementation of SESAR.
These actions are consolidated in the form of ‘Implementation Objectives’, addressing those elements in SESAR which
have reached the necessary operational and technical maturity and for which stakeholders have expressed a common
interest in their operational introduction. Implementation Objectives address validated SESAR Solutions and account
for the existing (EU) regulations in ATM.
The vision of the ATM Master Plan 2020 is realised in four progressive phases. This phased approach takes into account
the rapid digitalisation of aviation and that the supporting infrastructure needs to evolve accordingly.
The Level 3 of the Master Plan addresses the deployment towards operational implementation, therefore focusing on
the plans for 5 to 7 years ahead, as pictured below. In that, it takes full account of SESAR Solutions that have already
reached maturity from an R&D perspective, as represented in the V3 phase of the European Operational Concept
Validation Methodology (E-OCVM), are in the pipeline for industrialisation and have a standardisation work ongoing,
if not yet completed.