• 10 November 2021
    14:00 > 16:00
  • Aerospace Valley (Bâtiment B612), 3 rue Tarfaya
    Toulouse, France
  • Map

TINDAiR is a Very Large Scale Demonstration (VLD) which aims to demonstrate the safe integration of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) as additional airspace user.  The results of the VLD will help to refine the safety, performance, standardisation and regulatory requirements to enable UAM. The VLD will include the execution of flight demonstrations in accordance with the safety conditions..

This event is an opportunity to discover the scope of the project, its main objectives and to get some insights about the demonstrations planned for 2022. Every presentation will be followed by a "Question & Answers" session, an occasion to get your feedback in order to improve the project and its anticipated outcomes.

The workshop is open to anyone interested in UAM: drone manufacturers and operators, USSPs, ANSPs, local authorites, citizens association, EU representatives, technology providers, and much more.

It will be an opportunity :

  • To discover the project and its demonstrations
  • To meet with other urban air mobility stakeholders
  • To help us to meet the needs of your sector

This will be an hybrid event that will take place simultaneously in Toulouse (France) and online.

Participation is free, but the number of places is limited, so register quickly!

Registration for the online event

Registration for the on-site event