• 5 - 6 May 2022
  • Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Map

The SESAR 3 JU exploratory research project, HAAWAII, is organising a first demo day in Reykjavik on 5 and 6 May 2022.

HAAWAII is developing a reliable, error resilient and adaptable solution to automatically transcribe voice commands issued by both air-traffic controllers and pilots, and to perform proof-of-concept trials in challenging environments. This physical event will offer participants a chance to  see first-hand the project’s speech recognition system. Discuss with the experts and give feedback. Participants can also attend remotely to and hear from project partnes on the status of their research and how to adapt HAAWAII results to local needs.

Download the agenda


Haawaii demo day

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 884287