• 2 June 2022
    12:00 > 19:00
  • Port of Antwerpen
    Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Map

On 2 June, the SAFIR-Med project is organising an executive event to share its experiences of demonstrating the use of drones for medical services. Taking place within the context of a medical aviation conference at the Antwerp Port House, in Belgium, the event will bring together executives from medical and aviation sectors, EU & national policy makers as well as local authorities. This event will showcase medical use cases being developed within the SAFIR-MED project, including transport of human tissue, biological lab samples, medicine, AED (defibrillator) as well as doctors or patients. All attendees as well as Antwerp citizens will an opportunity to see first-hand an advanced flight demonstration over the city’s complex airspace.

Industry leaders that are interested in meeting in person key decision makers are invited to contact tim.cleys(AT)helicus.com for registrations and further information about the event.

For further details, check out the project’s press release, online agenda or visit www.safir-med.eu