• 25 - 26 October 2022
  • Forli, Italy
  • Map

SESAR 3 JU partners, ENAV and University of Bologna (UNIBO) are organising an open day  to present the results from validation exercises on two SESAR Solutions:

  • Remote tower centre (RTC) with dynamic allocation of aerodromes to multiple remote tower modules  (PJ.05-W2-35 EXE 2.4)
  • Virtual/Augmented reality applications for tower (PJ.05-W2-97.1 EXE 002)

Organised within the context of the SESAR 2020 project, PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower, participants will have the opportunity to visit the two validation platforms, test the augmented reality tools in a laboratory environment, hear ENAV’s and UNIBO’s latest developments on the two solutions, and have an outlook on exercises’ results. 

The open day will be hosted in Forlì, Italy, on 25 and 26 October, 2022.  

Check out the event agenda and please register at the following link before Friday 14 October, 2022. 
