• 16 November 2022
    10:00 > 16:00
  • DGAC-DSNA-DTI, 1 avenue du docteur Maurice Grynfogel
    Toulouse, France
  • Map

SESAR solution validations enabling short to mid-term RPAS insertion in non-segregated controlled airspace

The SESAR ERICA project is organising an open day to present a solution enabling remotely-piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) to fly in non-segregated controlled airspace. The open day is also an opportunity to obtain feedback on experience gained recent live flight trials conducted within the framework of the European Defence Agency with the French Air & Space Force and France’s air navigation service provider, DSNA. The validation exercise of solution 115 on short to mid-term accommodation of RPAS in non-segregated controlled airspace, carried out in the context of the SESAR 2020 PJ13-W2 ERICA project,  was successfully completed in Clermont Ferrand, where  DSNA, Dassault Aviation (remote pilot) and Thales (RPAS simulated platform) performed real-time simulations with more than 10 air traffic controllers, therefore enabling the gathering of data on human performance, safety, and acceptability data. An overview of DSNA’s validations in solution 111 (detect and avoid) and solution 117 (RPAS Integration) results will also be presented during the open day.

Join the event and the ERICA project team to see the experimental set-up that has been used with live exercises.

If you cannot make it to Toulouse, the project will provide a parallel video-conference access. To participate, contact [email protected] before the 26 October to indicate your presence on site (DSNA/DTI) or online.
