The SESAR ERICA project is organising an open day focussed on the real-time simulation of RPAS integration feasibility.
Organised by Frequentis and HungaroControl , this session will give an overview of the validation exercise conducted by HungaroControl and Frequentis in Vienna from 29th of August until 1st of September 2022. The campaign aimed at validating the integration of IFR RPAS in controlled airspace, with focus on flight plan management and RPAS flying En-route (nominal flow and trajectory update as well as C2 link loss). The Validation platform for the real-time simulation was provided by Frequentis and the operational personnel by HungaroControl (Pseudo-pilots/Remote Pilots, Air Traffic Control Operators).
This virtual open day will provide an overview of this validation exercise and its results.
Join the event and the ERICA project team to see the validation exercise results.