• 17 February 2023
    10:00 > 15:30
  • BULATSA HQ, 1 Brussels Blvd
    Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Map

The Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) and Leonardo are organising an open day to present the results from the SESAR 2020 project "PJ.02-W2 Airport Airside and Runway Throughput (AART) project on the “integration and enhancement of surface management services”.

The Open Day will present the main findings from the validation activities about the enhancement of surface management operations spanning from airport safety nets for controller, to data link management for airport vehicles, to surface route planning and guidance.

The integrated validation exercise “TVAL.21.4 - Innovative Surface Management combined with Safety Nets” took place in October 2022 at LDO premises in Rome as a Real Time Simulation running on the Sofia Airport operating environment. This validation covered solutions PJ.02-W2-21.1, PJ.02-W2-21.3 and PJ.02-W2-21.6, all contributing to the advancement of Safety Support, Routing and Guidance Services as pillars of the A-SMGCS of the future.

The validation confirmed that these solutions effectively contribute to increasing efficiency and situational awareness for both controllers and vehicle drivers, with a positive effect on safety.

The open day will take place at BULATSA HQ in Sofia, on 17 February 2023. The event will be held in hybrid mode. Available via MS Team, the online session will be recorded and made available after the event.



10:00-10:30 Welcome and Introduction to the SESAR context

10:30-12:00 Validation description and Outcomes 1

12:00-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-14:15 Validation description and Outcomes 2

14:15-14:45 Recommendations and Standardisation opportunities

14:45-15:30 Open discussion / Q&A



BULATSA PJ.02 Exercise Lead: Alexander ZARBOV,

RSVP by February 3rd, 2023 to Meral TAHSIN


BULATSA HQ is 10 min. walk from Terminal 2. Distance from city center to Sofia Airport is approx. 15 km

Recommended transport: Metro Line 1 to Sofia Airport Terminal 2 or Bus 84.
