SEA Milan Airports is one of the top 10 airport operators in Europe for passenger and freight traffic. It is the leading company in Italy for freight traffic and is responsible for the second-highest number of passengers.

Armando Brunini, Chief Executive Officer, SEA Milan Airports


What is the added value of being a member of the SESAR 3 JU?

SEA is a partner of SESAR 3 JU since 2014 and in 2022 we decided to have a stronger involvement. We are a member of ACI Europe and, in line with the other European airports, we think that a strong commitment by the industry, together with EUROCONTROL and the European Commission, to research and development, is essential for the success of the initiatives.

We are proud to be part of the Digital European Sky programme: SEA aims to guarantee the development of an innovation’s strategy aligned with all European stakeholders, as well as make our infrastructure an innovation hub.

Getting truly efficient, seamless air traffic management means that we will be able to operate our airports in the best and more efficient way to guarantee all the passengers a better journey experience.

The multitude of new air vehicles, such as delivery drones and air taxis, will soon be seeking access to the airspace, forcing us to be ready for a new aviation era. The SESAR 3 JU will help us achieve our goal!

Why is air traffic management and its digital transformation important to SEA?

Today, airports are increasingly addressing complex operational challenges with exciting new business and complex technological innovation. Digital transformation is not just embracing technology, it is also a business transformation in a digital world.

Key areas in digital transformation are:

  • Enhance passenger journey experience (maximise the time spent in shops and lounges vs waiting in a queue for dropping luggage or getting a boarding pass).
  • Increase operational efficiency: streamline processes to achieve better efficiency in ground activities i.e., security, ground handling, runway and maintenance operations.
  • Reduce risks: reduce operational risks causing potential delays or incidents.

What are SEA’s top three innovation priorities?

  • Environment – sutainable aviation fuel (SAF)
  • Digitalisation of airport processes
  • U-space/Urban air mobility

In which flagships of the Digital European Sky programme is SEA particularly interested in getting involved, and why?

We are eager to get involved in the aviation green deal in a multimodality and passenger experience as well as in U-space and urban air mobility. These three areas correspond to the industry priorities and most certainly to ours.

Decarbonisation is a priority for our industry, we need to continue to have a positive impact on society. Passenger experience must always be at the centre of our efforts and urban air mobility is one of the positive responses of sustainability as well to traffic congestion on the ground, which is certainly true also in Milan and in Lombardy.

We are committed to sharing our experiences in these three areas, and we are eager also to share the outcomes of this flagship of SESAR.