• 22 March 2023
    09:30 > 14:00
  • Leonardo premises , Via Tiburtina
    Rome, Italy
  • Map


The SESAR I-CNSS project is organising an open day to present the results of the validation exercises carried out in the context of the SESAR 2020 Wave 2 PJ14  about the two solutions 100 and 60,  demonstrating SWIM based air/ground information sharing and LDACS Functional Interoperability respectively.

The 3 validation exercises successfully completed by PJ.14-W2-100 aimed to validate the capabilities related to end-to-end non-functional characteristics (interoperability, reliability, security) via technical validation scenarios addressing uplink and downlink SWIM-based information sharing. Extended Projected Profiles #EPPs were distributed over SWIM by several emulated SWIM enabled aircraft and consumed by several ground based applications including 4-Flight. Solution 60 successfully validated the interoperability of Ground and Airborne LDACS devices provided by Leonardo and Frequentis, in the Leonardo’s Laboratories of Pisa. In addition, Solution 60 validated both the integration of LDACS with ATN/IPS environment and the Mobility aspects in a flight trial (conducted in the coordinated PJ.33-W3-02 Solution), as well as in Pisa and Vienna laboratories,  while security was validated in a test campaign conducted in DLR Labs.

During the open day, partners involved in these solutions will explain the main achievements of these activities.

If you cannot make it to Rome, the project will provide a parallel video-conference access.

To participate, contact [email protected] and [email protected]  before the 15 March to indicate your presence on site or online.