Delivering an integrated communication, navigation and surveillance system for Europe
The SESAR I-CNSS project is organising a final dissemination event to present the main achievements and results at the end of more than three years and a half of intense research and demonstration activities.
One of the largest project in SESAR 2020 Wave 2, with 20 solutions to build, I-CNSS had the main purpose to develop an integrated suite of CNS solutions meeting the current and future operational requirements of air traffic management in the short, medium and long term.
This final event will present how CNS technologies can support to make air and ground operations, including airports, more efficient, while also ensuring global interoperability from an avionics and satellite systems perspective.
Please confirm your attendance by contacting directly [email protected] and [email protected] before the 15 of May. You will receive more info about the event and some logistic information about the venue.