• 8 December 2008
    14:30 > 14:30
  • Avenue de Cortenbergh 100 1040
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Map

The number of flight movements will double again in Europe over the next twenty years - even taking into account the current crisis - and will pose critical sustainability challenges.

YOU ARE INVITED to a press briefing and ceremony for the inauguration of the SESAR Joint Undertaking, a unique public-private partnership in air traffic management research. The event will mark the beginning of a vital mission: to develop a modernised air traffic management system for Europe, which will avert the crippling congestion of the European sky and reduce the environmental impact of air transport.

The inauguration ceremony will be hosted by Dominique Bussereau, French Secretary of State for Transport, Representative of the Council of the European Union; Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Transport; and David McMillan, Director General of EUROCONTROL.

More than 300 representatives of the Air Transport Community will attend the ceremony.

The press briefing will be hosted by Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the SESAR JU.

Registration and Media Contact

To register for the Press Briefing, please send an email to Mr Eric Platteau.

Mr Eric Platteau
Chief Communication & Stakeholders' relations
Email: eric.platteau@sesarju.eu
: + 32 2 507 80 12
Mobile : + 32 493 51 09 46


3.00 pm: welcome coffee & registration - PRESS
3.30 pm: press briefing
4.00 pm: Inauguration


  • Patrick KY, Executive Director of the SESAR JU
  • Dominique BUSSEREAU, French Minister for Transport
  • Antonio TAJANI, Vice-President of the European Commission
  • David McMILLAN, Director General of EUROCONTROL
  • Denis RANQUE, CEO and chairman of Thales Group
  • Peter HARTMAN, Chairman of the Association of European Airlines, Chairman & CEO KLM
5:00 pm: Laying of commemorative stone

dedicated to Loyola de PALACIO with addresses by Ana PALACIO, Dominique BUSSEREAU and Antonio TAJANI

Official signature of new SESAR candidates-members

Concluding remarks by Mr. KY

6.00 pm Walking Dinner