• 8 - 10 November 2016
  • Technical University of Delft Kluyverweg 1
    Delft, Netherlands
  • Map

The SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) are the main vehicle for SESAR Joint Undertaking to share progress and disseminate results of its exploratory research programme. Unlike other scientific events in ATM research, the SESAR Innovation Days focuses explicitly on long-term and innovative research. Now in its sixth year, the SESAR Innovation days have become a landmark event in the European aviation research calendar.

Hosted by Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, from 8 – 10 November 2016, the SIDs will showcase results from the now completed long-term research projects within the framework of SESAR Workpackage E (WPE). It will also be an opportunity for exploratory research project consortia selected for funding under SESAR 2020 to present their proposed work. The SESAR Innovation Days will include technical paper sessions, keynote presentations, panel sessions, together with exhibits and poster sessions, thus providing an ideal forum for networking. In particular we seek contributions from the wider ATM research community through this open call.

For more information visit: http://www.sesarinnovationdays.eu/

Download the SESAR mobile app to access the latest version of the agenda, papers, posters...


Organizer: "Technical University of Delft

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