SESAR delivers
SESAR is delivering here and now!
Through teamwork, SESAR is bringing innovative technologies to Europe’s sky, ensuring that aviation serves passengers, businesses, and the planet.
Discover some of the innovations that are now in operation across Europe thanks to SESAR!
The Single European Sky (SES) is an ambitious initiative launched in 2004 to modernise European air traffic management (ATM), making it safer, more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly. As the technological pillar, SESAR, is harnessing new technologies and accelerated digitalisation to contribute to making SES a reality. SESAR is composed of three phases: definition, development and deployment.
Definition The European ATM Master Plan is the agreed roadmap that connects ATM research and development activities with deployment scenarios to achieve the performance objectives of the Single European Sky. The Master Plan is regularly updated in close collaboration with stakeholders taking into account evolutions in the aviation landscape.
Development The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) is an institutionalised European partnership between private and public sector partners set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky. It is harnessing, developing and accelerating the take-up of the most cutting-edge technological solutions to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes. |
Deployment The SESAR Deployment Manager (SESAR DM) is responsible for the Management Level of the SESAR deployment governance, in particular for the coordination of the implementation of the EU’s Common Projects, based on SESAR Solutions to be deployed in a synchronised and timely manner across Europe. The SESAR DM is a consortium composed of EUROCONTROL, air navigation service providers, European airports and airlines.