This Solution was formerly part of PJ.14-01-01-W1
One of the objectives of the Single European Sky is to reduce airspace user costs whilst improving safety and efficiency. The SESAR communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) roadmap sets out to do this by integrating these three domains to take advantage of cross-domain synergies. Integrated CNS brings interdependencies between previously separate activities and introduces new requirements in terms of robustness, spectrum use, interoperability and service quality for all airspace users, including military.
SESAR is developing a performance-based approach to assess operational needs and to define a cross-domain robustness concept. This includes operating within the available spectrum and avoiding datalink saturation. It also includes a holistic approach to technology transfer opportunities, for example identifying what military can bring to civil, or general aviation to airport operations.
SESAR is addressing the evolution from the current fragmented infrastructure, which is built around separate areas of functionality, towards a harmonised and cost-efficient infrastructure which features common performance criteria. The research pays special attention to cybersecurity and resilience considerations while still ensuring interoperability for civil-military CNS in current and future CNS infrastructure services and performance equivalence. In terms of performance expectations, a holistic analysis of the technical and safety requirements of the current and future CNS systems will highlight opportunities where the efficiency, safety, resilience and interoperability of the CNS infrastructure can be improved.
Increased cost efficiency
Increased civil-military coordination
Enhanced flexibility
Evolution roadmap and strategy