• 12 - 14 March 2019
    Madrid, Spain
  • Map

“Europe for Aviation” was the theme around which European aviation organisations working to implement the Single European Sky (SES) gathered at World ATM Congress, from 12 to 14 March in Madrid, Spain.  

Strong collaboration between European aviation organisations (civil and military) is proving key to generating growth for the industry and to meeting the passenger demand for safer, smarter, greener and more seamless air travel, in line with the EU Aviation Strategy. Over the course of the 3-day Congress, these organisations came together to show how through collaboration they can go much further in tackling pressing challenges, such as air traffic delays and congestion, drone integration, digital transformation and cyber security.

The “Europe for Aviation” stand and theatre (#849 and #1151) hosted a wide range of debates, presentations and guided walking tours, illustrating the collaboration in action between European aviation organisations working to implement SES, namely the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU), SESAR Deployment Manager (SESAR DM), European Aviation Safety Agency, European Defence Agency, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), and EUROCAE. In doing so, the organisations demonstrated how between them they cover the full project management cycle from policy and funding to research and deployment.

Social media

Follow #EuropeForAviation for updates from: 
@eurocontrol @eurocontrolDG @Transport_EU @SESAR_JU @SESAR_DM @EASA ‏ @EUDefenceAgency @INEA_EU @EUROCAE1

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World ATM Congress 2019