ENAIRE is Spain's air navigation service provider (ANSP) and the fourth most important ANSP in Europe. In a clear commitment to the Single Sky initiative, ENAIRE belongs to international partnerships, such as the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and Deployment Manager, A6, iTEC, CANSO and ICAO.

Enrique Maurer, Chief Executive Officer, ENAIRE


What is the added value of being a member of the SESAR 3 JU?

The SESAR3 Joint Undertaking is a catalyst for speeding up the transition towards a green and digital European ATM, and for making European Industry more resilient and competitive. It is as well a mean to reinforce the continuous Research and Development activity over time, maturing research projects into reality. The SESAR3 Joint Undertaking offers the best means to coordinate efforts, offering the opportunity of being in close contact with the main ATM players.

Why is air traffic management and its digital transformation important to Enaire?

The ATM service provision is going to change as described in the Airspace Architecture Study developed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking, and in the future, we are going to rely more on digitalisation, automation, and virtualization. This is one of the most significant promising research lines, that envisages to bring important benefits in terms of cost-efficiency while maintaining or even increasing the safety levels. We cannot forget that the provision of services to the new entrants is one key for the future airspace environment.

In which flagships of the Digital European Sky programme is Enaire particularly interested in getting involved, and why?

For our core business the most promising flagship in terms of potential new discoveries and the one that could transform the ATM business is Automated and Connected ATM. Another very promising one that will bring potential new businesses opportunities to ENAIRE is U-Space and UAM. As an ANSP, it is important to be prepared and even to be able to make a contribution in these potential new services, by participating in all relevant projects related with these activities.

The Top priorities for ENAIRE are Automation with Artificial Intelligence techniques, virtualisation of Air Navigation Services including the concept of ATM Data Service Provider. And last, but not least, I must mention the satellite component, not only for improving navigation capabilities but for other core CNS services such as communication and surveillance, that will enable other SESAR applications that will need real-time data-sharing capabilities during the flight operations.

Projects' Participation