This Solution was formerly part of PJ.03b-01-W1
Advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS) are used to track aircraft and vehicles at busy airfields and alert controllers about potential conflicts. To ensure even safer airports, this candidate solution sets out to mitigate the risks of runway incursion and more generally the risk of incidents and accidents involving aircraft at the airport with the help of additional, innovative types of controller alerts.
SESAR is looking at how new generation automation tools can offer improved conflicting ATC clearances (CATC) and conformance monitoring (CMAC) alerting functions for controllers. The research extends both functions to cover the entire airport as additional applications on top of the use of CMAC/CATC alerts deployed as part of SESAR 1 solution #02 ‘Airport safety nets for controllers: conformance monitoring alerts and detection of conflicting ATC clearances’, together with the A-SMGCS routing & planning services. The controller tools serve to maximise situational awareness and to highlight areas where higher attention is needed through appropriate predictive indications and controller alerts.
The candidate solution also addresses the challenges of integrating different safety nets - and controller alerts - including those delivered in earlier SESAR Solutions.
Solution benefits are expected in safety gain on the airport surface and in human performance improvements for tower controllers (improved situational awareness and reduced workload) by reducing the number of airport surface incidents at main airports with A-SMGCS.
Enhanced safety
Improved human performance