Governing Board Decisions

Reference Subject
GB(D)01-2024 ER2 List of actions selected for funding   
GB(D)02-2024 BAWP 2024-2025 1st amendment
GB(D)03-2024 Associated members
GB(D)04-2024 Establishment of voting rights to GB members - amendment
GB(D)05-2024 CAAR 2023
GB(D)06-2024 Opinion on Annual Accounts 2023
GB(D)07-2024 Model decision on working time and hybrid working
GB(D)08-2024 Non-applicability of the EC Rules on harassment
GB(D)09-2024 Transfer of pension rights 
GB(D)02-2023 ToR of the TCG on MP
GB(D)03-2023 Approval of the IAC Audit Plan 2023
GB(D)04-2023 Programme Office structure
GB(D)05-2023 BAWP 2022-2023 4th amended version
GB(D)06-2023 CAAR
GB(D)07-2023 BAWP 2022-2023 5th amended version
GB(D)08-2023 In kind contribution procedure
GB(D)09-2023 SESAR 3 JU Anti-fraud stratregy
GB(D)10-2023 BOA
GB(D)11-2023 SESAR 3 JU - Eurocontrol DPAA amendment
GB(D)12-2023 BAWP 2022-2023 6th amended version
GB(D)13-2023 Adoption of the Bi-Annual Work Programme 2024-25 BAWP 2024-2025
GB(D)14-2023 Approving of the Call for Expression of Interests with a view to selecting Associated Members with the potential to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the SESAR 3 JU
GB(D)15-2023 Approving the request to increase the Union contribution for the SESAR 3 JU as a resuit of the association of the United Kingdom to the Horizon Europe Programme
GB(D)16-2023 Approving the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking phase out plan from Horizon Europe funding
GB(D)17-2023 Approval of the Internai Audit Capability Annual Audit Plan for the year 2024
GB(D)18-2023 Change of the SESAR 3 JL) membership subséquent to the transfer of the Irish Aviation Authority air navigation services to the Irish Air Navigation Service known as “AirNav Ireland”
GB(D)19-2023 BAWP 2022-2023 7th amended version
GB(D)20-2023 Appointment of an additional member to the SESAR 3 JU Scientific Committee
GB(D)01-2022 Observers in ED selection process
GB(D)02-2022 Adoption of Multi-annual Work Programme - MAWP
GB(D)03-2022 Adoption of bi-annual Work Programme - BAWP
GB(D)04-2022 Adoption of SESAR 3 JU Communication strategy/policy - Communications strategy
GB(D)05-2022 Estalishment of the IAC
GB(D)06-2022 Working time and hybrid working
GB(D)07-2022 Appointment of the SESAR 3 JU ED
GB(D)08-2022 Adoption of first amendment of Bi-annual Work Programme - Amended BAWP
GB(D)10-2022 Membership agreement approval
GB(D)11-2022 Adoption of the CAAR 2021 - CAAR 2021
GB(D)12-2022 IAC audit plan
GB(D)13-2022 Adoption of final annual account 2021 - Final accounts
GB(D)14-2022 Appointment of Scientific Committee members
GB(D)15-2022 Delegation for the signature of the Eurocontrol agreement
GB(D)16-2022 Delegation for the signature of  DPAA
GB(D)17-2022 Adoption of BAWP 2022-2023 second amended version
GB(D)18-2022 Provision on administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings
GB(D)19-2022 Accounting officer appointment
GB(D)20-2022 Master planning process
GB(D)21-2022 BAWP 2022-2023 Third amendment
GB(D)01-2021 Adoption of Financial Rules of the SESAR Joint Undertaking - Financial Rules
GB(D)02-2021 Omnibus decision
GB(D)03-2021 Rules on Confidentiality and Conflicts of interest - Annex
GB(D)04-2021 Code of conduct of GB
GB(D)05-2021 Anti-Fraud Strategy
GB(D)06-2021 Internal rules for SESAR 3 JU on Art 25 Restrictions
GB(D)07-2021 Rules of Procedure of GB
GB(D)08-2021 Internal control Framework
GB(D)09-2021 Establishment of voting rights
GB(D)10-2021 Criteria/Selection Scientific Advisory Board
GB(D)11-2021 SRIA - Annex
GB(D)12-2021 Transfer of assets, liabilities, unused appropriations identified by DG BUDG
GB(D)13-2021 Adopting the transitional elements related to the SESAR 3 JU’s annual work programme, budget, staff establishment plan and procurement plan for 2021 and 2022
GB(D)14-2021 Structure of Programme Office
GB(D)15-2021 Delegation of AIPN powers to ED
GB(D)16-2021 Rules of employment of trainees - Annex
GB(D)17-2021 Learning and Development - Annex
GB(D)18-2021 Staff Implementing Rules / Decisions
GB(D)19-2021 Rules on secondment of national experts (SNEs) - Annex