This Solution was formerly part of PJ.03a-01-W1

This Solution was formerly part of PJ.03a-01-W1

Maintaining efficient and predictable aircraft movement between stand to runway in all weather conditions is a challenge at busy airports, but there are tools available which can help to guide aircraft and vehicles safely around the airfield. The advanced ‘follow the greens’ solution illuminates the taxiway centreline lights to a specified distance ahead of the aircraft under guidance by switching them on and off automatically and according to the route cleared by the tower controller. The solution can also switch runway stop bars on and off automatically.

The airfield ground lighting guidance takes into account tactical decisions made by the apron manager, ground and runway controllers, in addition to surface management constraints. The solution is capable of automatically supporting safe spacing between moving aircraft and vehicles and managing priorities between mobiles on the aerodrome surface in all weather conditions. Priorities between multiple mobiles are based on local operating rules such as runway exit versus parallel taxiways, aircraft versus vehicle, aircraft converging or crossing at intersections, and taxiways passing close to push back routes or other taxiways where insufficient wingtip separation exists.

The airfield lighting guidance is available on a 24/7 basis in all weather conditions and on the entire movement area. Considering the complexity of the lighting system and traffic, the solution apples predominantly to larger Airports..

Benefits are expected in increased safety performance in all weather conditions and reduced workload and stress for ATCOs, pilot and vehicle drivers.


Enhanced safety

Improved predictability

Improved human performance


Contextual note



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