2.2 Why is the European ATM Master Plan important
The Master Plan sets out the vision for the Digital European Sky by 2045, the strategic deployment objectives (SDOs) to be implemented by 2035 and the development priorities (DPs) for the coming years expected to be implemented until 2045. It therefore plays an important role in directing investments towards innovation priorities and planning for regulatory decision-making on ATM modernisation (1). Commonly agreed by all European ATM stakeholders, the Master Plan is the roadmap to make Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world. It is the key driver of the entire ATM innovation cycle in Europe and an important input for other strategic European documents, such as the European plan for aviation safety (EPAS) (2), the network strategy plan and the SESAR deployment programme, that will take due account of the Master Plan, as foreseen in the EU’s regulatory framework.
(1) The Master Plan is also the main reference document for ATM modernisation efforts in a number of regulations (e.g. EASA, network functions, common projects, the performance and charging regulation).
(2) EASA, European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS), 2024 edition.