4.1 Roll-out in four phases
The roll-out is divided into four overlapping phases.
Phase A addresses known critical network performance deficiencies by enhancing collaboration between stakeholders, including across state borders and with aircraft, implementing initial system-wide information management (SWIM) and introducing initial network capacity and demand balancing measures. Deployment is to be completed by 2025.
Phase B delivers efficient services and infrastructure through the launch of initial ATM data services, the introduction of cross-border free-route operations and the integration of advanced airport performance management in the network. Deployment is under way and will be completed by 2030.
Phase C defragments European skies through virtualisation and dynamic airspace configuration, supported by the gradual introduction of higher levels of automation support, the full integration of airports into ATM at network level, and the management of routine drone operations. Development for this phase is near completion and deployment is under way, with completion expected by 2035.
Phase D achieves the Digital European Sky. It aims to make Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly sky to fly in the world by delivering a fully scalable system for crewed and uncrewed aviation, supported by a digital ecosystem, full air–ground system integration, distributed data services and high levels of automation and connectivity. Development for this phase has started and deployment should be completed by 2045.
Figure 7 illustrates the deployment across the four phases, in line with the aim of completing deployment by 2045.
![Figure 7: Four-phased approach to roll-out](/sites/default/files/2024-11/F7_0.jpg)
Figure 7: Four-phased approach to roll-out (1)
(1) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1 February 2021 on the establishment of the common project one supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan provided for in Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014, OJ L 36, 2.2.2021, p. 10.