A.8. Mapping the Master Plan against the GANP

This appendix maps the Master Plan to the seventh edition of the ICAO’s global air navigation plan (GANP). The Master Plan and the GANP are complementary, with the Master Plan focusing on the European context, while the GANP provides a global framework, ensuring consistency and collaboration across regions. It is therefore important to demonstrate that the European ATM Master Plan aligns with the global objectives set by the GANP.

As the content of the GANP is organised into a multilayer structure, with each layer tailored to different audiences, the mapping relates the deployment actions of the SDOs to the global technical level (level 2) of the GANP. The global technical level supports technical managers in planning the implementation of basic services and new operational improvements in a cost-effective manner and according to specific needs, while ensuring the interoperability of systems and the harmonisation of procedures. One of the key building blocks of the global technical level are aviation system block upgrade (ASBU) elements that describe specific operational improvements. ASBU elements are organised in ASBU threads that correspond to key features of the air navigation system. In Table 18, for every SDO a one-to-many mapping was established between deployment actions and ASBU elements, where available.

The ICAO’s ASBU panel project team is currently preparing the eighth edition of the GANP, to which this Master Plan brings significant input.

T18 (PT1)

T18 (PT2)
T18 PT3
T18 (PT4)
T18 (PT5)
T18 (PT6)