4.4 Conditions for a successful roll-out
Achieving the key milestones (i.e. in 2030, 2035, 2045) requires the following conditions to be met.
- Economic regulatory framework. SES instruments work hand in hand from reference period 4 of the SES performance and charging scheme (1) onwards to promote investments in SDOs (see Chapter 5).
- EASA regulatory framework and supporting standardisation activities. Timelines in the EPAS published by EASA, supporting activities (in particular in relation to standardisation) and the Master Plan are fully aligned.
- Continued support for early movers. Digital European Sky Demonstrators (2) are expanded to cover the full scope of strategic deployment objectives, becoming also the ‘regulatory sandboxes’ for the Digital European Sky. EU funds (from the Connecting Europe Facility, Innovation Fund and their successors under the EU’s next MFF) are available for supporting deployment objectives under the next MFF from 2028.
- Future Common Projects. These will regulate the deployment of those SDOs that require a synchronised and harmonised roll-out at European level.
- Research resources focused on development priorities. All research resources are mobilised to deliver on strategic development priorities by 2030; the aviation community embraces this approach to develop next generation platforms. EU (research) funds are available to support further SESAR research under the next MFF from 2028.
- Involvement of the ATM workforce secured. Professional staff organisations support development and deployment activities, offer training and foster engagement to gain social acceptance of the changes envisaged by the Digital European Sky.
- Monitoring of progress. To maintain the momentum generated by this edition of the Master Plan, the relevant EU bodies work together, and the SESAR 3 JU reports annually to the SESAR 3 JU Governing Board on progress made in relation to deployment and development, taking into account civil–military coordination needs.
(1) European Commission, RP4 refers to the fourth reference period of performance and charging scheme, SES performance and charging.
(2) SESAR 3 JU, SESAR Innovation Pipeline.