A.7. New service delivery model – business services

Table 17 presents the list of business services for a typical area control centre (ACC).

Business service Examples of functions covered by the business service (*)
Human–machine interface (HMI) Air situation display, alerts, flight editing and dialogue, attention and fatigue, speech recognition.
Flight data/trajectory management 4D trajectory prediction, ATC–ATC exchanges, ATC–NM exchanges, flight correlation, secondary surveillance radar (SSR) code management, flight plan correction, performance management.
Sequencing Arrival management, departure management, integrated arrival–departure management (AMAN-DMAN), time-based separation.
Separation management Tactical controller tools, conflict detection, conflict resolution and assistance, ‘what if–what else’ probing, adherence monitoring, merging and spacing.
Local air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM) Local demand and capacity balancing (DCB), complexity management.
Safety nets Short-term conflict alerts (STCA), minimum safe altitude warnings (MSAW), area proximity warnings (APW), approach path monitoring (APM), ground safety nets.
Navigation Navigation signals, performance monitoring.
Communication Ground–ground voice communication, air–ground voice communication, voice control distribution, voice control management, performance monitoring.
Surveillance Surveillance data fusion, tracking, surveillance data distribution, surveillance sensors, performance monitoring.
Data link Controller pilot data link communications (CPDLC); automatic dependent surveillance – contract (ADS-C), including extended projected profiles (EPP); context management; downlinked aircraft parameters (DAP), including humidity.
Environment (CO2/non-CO2) CO2 emissions; non-CO2 emissions, including contrail management; noise.
Civil/military airspace management Airspace reservation management (ARES), booking management, airspace configuration and distribution, airspace status distribution.
Operational supervision Sector configuration, configuration of parameters, operational supervision distribution.
CNS infrastructure and basic services Deployment, recording, time synchronisation, metrics and reports, logging, voice over internet protocol (VoIP), monitoring, billing.
Network services Pan-European network service (PENS), ATS common data link services (ACDLS), future communications infrastructure (FCI), system-wide information management (SWIM) yellow profile.
Simulation, training and analysis services Traffic generator, preparation and execution, pseudo-pilots, replay function.
Meteorology Operational meteorological information (OPMET), local weather, convection, winds, clear air turbulence, icing, space weather.
Aeronautical information management Aeronautical information publication (AIP), aeronautical information circular (AIC), notice to airmen (NOTAM), digital notice to airmen (D-NOTAM), aeronautical information management (AIM) on request, charting, charting on request.

Table 17: Business services for a typical ACC

(*)            The examples are indicative only; they may not be complete and may be subject to change.