2.4 Structure of the Master Plan

The Vision describes where the sector wants to be by 2045, our performance ambition, and the levers that will bring about the transformation.

The Roll-out provides the current state of play in terms of the development and deployment of SESAR solutions, and the timeline for the full roll-out of the vision in four phases (A–D).

The Deployment priorities detail the new SDOs to ensure the relevant SESAR Solutions are deployed, including a new service delivery model.

The Development priorities describe the industrial and exploratory research activities required for delivering solutions in line with the vision and performance ambitions.

The Benefits, investment needs and risks outline the expected benefits (in terms of capacity, fuel, CO2 emissions, punctuality and cost-efficiency), the investment needs, and the associated risks and mitigation measures across the ECAC area, and what they mean for Europe’s economy and citizens.

The Roadmaps in the Appendix provide timelines for the development and deployment activities that have been prioritised in the following key areas: trajectory-based operations (TBO); communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS); automation; U-space 2.0; civil–military capabilities; and cybersecurity.