4.2 Current State of Play
The ATM innovation life cycle covers SESAR definition (European ATM Master Plan), development (exploratory and industrial research) and deployment (industrialisation and implementation). This chapter provides the current state of play in the development and deployment activities plotted against the four phases of the roll-out of SESAR Solutions to achieve the Digital European Sky.
4.2.1 Status of SESAR development
As illustrated in Figure 8, SESAR development has been completed for phases A and B. For phase C, 66 % of development activities are complete and the remainder will be completed by 2026. Phase D activities have started (1).

Figure 8: Status of SESAR development
4.2.2 Status of SESAR deployment
Out of the SESAR Solutions available for deployment, for phase A, 83 % are being rolled out and standardisation work is under way for an additional 9 % (Figure 9). For phase B, 61 % are being rolled out and standardisation work is under way for an additional 28 %. For phase C, 8 % of available solutions are being rolled out and standardisation work is under way for an additional 79 %. It should be noted that for all three phases additional efforts are needed to encourage the full market uptake of the available solutions (2).
Deployment actions building on these solutions have been prioritised. They will therefore constitute the next wave of deployments as reflected in Chapter 5. The SDOs listed there will deliver phase C by 2035.

Figure 9: Status of SESAR deployment
Solutions in phases A–C are projected to deliver the following performance benefits compared with the 2012 baseline (3), while maintaining or, where possible, improving safety levels:
- punctuality (+ 19 %),
- cost-efficiency (+ 30.3 %),
- airport capacity (+ 23 %),
- en route capacity (+ 59.7 %),
- terminal manoeuvring area (TMA) capacity (+ 36 %),
- reduction of CO2 emissions thanks to fuel efficiency (– 3.4 %),
- reduction of additional flight time (– 41 %).
(1) See SESAR 3 JU, Strategic Development Monitoring Report.
(2) See SESAR 3 JU, Strategic Deployment Monitoring Report.
(3) The baseline year for the 2020 edition of the European ATM Master Plan was 2012; see SESAR 3 JU, SESAR 2020 Closure Report.